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Our Contact Details

Clinic Sese at The Spencer Private Hospitals, Ramsgate Road, Margate, Kent, CT9 4BG.

Clinic Sese at The Spencer Private Hospital, Kennington Road, Ashford, TN25OLZ

t: 07395 046 957
e: thelobby@clinicsese.com
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Our Model Registry

Take advantage of our model opportunities and become a Clinic Sese VIP!

Would you to become a member of our Sese Model registry? I am constantly on the look out for individuals of all ages and genders to be models for to model for demonstration evenings and training events?

All you have to do is sign up to the registry here, and for just £10 per month you will be sent information relating to up-and-coming teaching and demonstration events where I need models for a variety of treatments. You will receive a minimum 60% discount on treatments when being a model and 10% discount when booking your normal treatments. As a Sese VIP you will also receive invitations to all the clinic open evenings and events free of charge as a VIP guest.

Terms and conditions:
Models will be selected based on suitability for the treatment being showcased/taught. Models are responsible for their travel arrangements and costs. There is no guarantee of selection but every effort will be made to try and include each of you for a minimum of one event per year.

Booking for events:
You will receive an email invitation for a booking request and selection will be made on a first come first served basis.

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Our Treatments

Find out more about our tailor-made treatments and book an appointment for an in-depth consultation

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